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Governor’s Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities

National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Social Media Campaign

#InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 3

At work, it’s what people CAN do that matters. We couldn’t agree more! Check out this latest PSA from
the Campaign for Disability Employment! #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 4

Receiving SSI or SSDI and want to work? Find employment support services here! #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 5

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Check it out! #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 6

The CT Tech Act Project seeks to increase independence and improve the lives of individuals with disabilities through increased access to Assistive Technology for work, school and community living. #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 7

Take time, watch and be inspired by these great “Employment Idols” in honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month: #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 11

Find resources to help you get where you want to go! Connect-Ability Transportation Resources page:| #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 12

Watch this video on Dean Custom Cabinetry to learn about the resources Connect-Ability Staffing, Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) has available for businesses.
Call us today at 1-866-844-1903 to find out more! #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 13

Employers – find support in recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing qualified individuals with disabilities at #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 17

The New England ADA Center provides information, guidance and training on the ADA to individuals, businesses, and government #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 18

Connect-Ability has a large catalog of FREE online e-Learning modules to help you find a job and keep a job! Register here: #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 19

Businesses – consider joining a growing coalition of CT employers that are working together to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 20

Think Beyond the Label is a public-private network that works to increase employment for qualified job seekers with disabilities. #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 21

Would you like to use public transportation, but not sure how to start? Seniors and individuals with disabilities may be eligible for free, one-on-one travel training! Find out more: #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 24

Businesses – check out USBLN’s publication on disability inclusion strategies, which businesses of all sizes can use to create a more inclusive workplace, marketplace, and supply chain. Leading Practices on Disability Inclusion:
#InclusionWorks #NDEAM #USBLN

Oct. 25

Find out how the Employment Division of Connecticut’s Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) can help employers build a more competitive workforce with qualified people who happen to have a disability. #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 26

The Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind offers these success stories about mentoring and dealing with a visual Impairment in the lives and careers of five individuals. #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

Oct. 28

We all have many diverse factors that make us who we are. The Campaign for Disability Employment’s “Who I Am” PSA features nine talented people with disabilities – some obvious and some not – sharing the many sides to themselves, including their jobs. It was produced by the Campaign for Disability Employment, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy. Check it out today! #InclusionWorks #NDEAM

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